Contact Marc

Insurance and personalized financial planning. Expert advice with superior solutions!


Marc Mousseau

Financial Associate

Marc Mousseau

Marc Mousseau’s purpose in life is “To Grow, To Educate Others, and to Release Them To Freedom.”

Driven by his purpose, Marc Mousseau developed a passion for learning which eventually led him to dedicate his career to the world of financial freedom.

He became fervently dedicated to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to achieve financial independence and wellness.

As Marc’s purpose evolved and matured, he founded the “Financial Wellness Group” to assist his clients in achieving their Financial Wellness goals. “He takes a comprehensive and holistic approach that goes beyond the traditional role of a financial advisor, providing personalized advice that empowers his clients to achieve Financial Wellness.”

Marc’s entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to the wellness industry continue to drive him forward as he seeks to make a positive difference in the lives of his clients.


(888) 688-MARC


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